Sunday Funday Book Club Follow Up May

Hey everyone,

Thanks to all who came out to chat and sip and snack and fun. Nikki’s bev pairings were Black Widow Cider (Original Sin) and Waterloo Strawberry Rose Seltzer (NA).

Our next Sunday Funday Book Club meetup is Sunday, June 23 from 10 to noon at Hops Scotch Bottle Shop. We are reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.  FB Event:

For side hustle book club, you can also read the children’s book The Midnight Library by Kazuno Kohara!

Wrap-up of our discussion of Imagining Elsewhere by Sara Hosey:

The entire discussion was a nostalgia-laden omigosh is that actually from the eighties what movie was that remember that song that goes and also why do I know these things kind of discussion. We wanted more witches. We liked Marcel and Milo. This month’s game was all about the 80s. A smattering is below.

Which 80s Is It? 

Your answers may be: 1380s, 1480s, 1580s, 1680s, 1780s, 1880s, or 1980s

The founding of Jameson Irish Whiskey distillery; Donatello’s birth; football appears written; the Spanish Armada; the extinction of the dodo; Jack the Ripper’s killing spree; the invention of the disposable camera.

Congrats to Gina for the win! And thanks to Nikki for the prize since I forgot my Grab Bag of Questionable Prizes.

Quote of the Discussion: “Bobfi. That was a whole sentence in two syllables.”

To answer the question Is Jake Gyllenhaal okay?:

Watch Three-Body on PBS before watching anything on Netflix:

Martha Wash! Why do I remember her name? C&C Music Factory should have had her in the video.

Reading Recs

Ready Player One (but not Two–that one is not good) by Ernest Cline

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

The Crucible by Arthur Miller

Watching Recs

Police Academy though some do not hold up

The new Road House but also the original Road House

The Lost Boys


Singing In The Rain (which actually has a plot and is not some guy swinging around a lamppost for an hour)

Here’s the soundtrack you created (but mostly created by the book itself)

Interested in Book of the Month Club? Use Shelby’s link to check it out.   

Other places where you can find me as I read from my new book and/or chat books:

Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6:30-7:30 PM for BACCA: Let’s Talk About Our Own Poetry at Phelps Memorial Park in Babylon. Email to register for FREE

FB Event:

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 3 PM for the Cedarmere Poetry Series presents Indran Amirthanayagam

225 Bryant Ave, Roslyn Harbor, NY Limited open mic and reception follow

RSVP to attend and to sign up for open mic:

FREE, donations always accepted

Our Upcoming Sunday Fundays

June 23: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (and side hustle The Midnight Library by Kazuno Kohara)

July 21: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

August 18: With The Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo 

September 22: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt 

Of course, if you have book suggestions, send them my way. Sure thing, you can share this email and/or the links. Yes, invite whomever you wish to book club. No one needs to finish the book. Hope to see you at our future book chats. Bring your appetite for snacks, sips, and conversation. 

All good things,


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